Message from the President

Dear MSH Members,

One year has passed by so quickly and it has been an honor and a privilege to serve as the society President halfway through the 2 year term. There are some issues and updates which I feel need addressing in this message.

MSH 2015

MSH 12

We have just concluded the 12th MSH Annual Scientific Meeting held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I am sure you will agree with me the meeting was a resounding success and congratulations once again to Dr. Jameela and Dr. Lily Wong for organising this.
I am pleased that some of the slides during the meeting have been made available to MSH members (you need to login to the MSH website first. If you have forgotten your password please reset it here. If you are an MSH member but do not have access to the website please email the secretary)
Access the slide presentations for MSH 2015 here:
12th Annual Scientific Meeting
You can access previous meeting presentations in the main Meetings page

Training and Accreditation
The MSH has the responsibility of overseeing the development and training of haematologists in Malaysia and to this effect has over the past few years set up a system where by
1) Trainees are registered with the MSH Training committee
2) Trainees are provided with a Handbook which details the training objectives and as a logbook
Both 1) and 2) are available for download from the
Specialist Training and Credentialing section of the MSH website.

The training program culminates in an exit evaluation process (Exit Examination) which is important as a final step before accreditation as a trained Clinical Haematology specialist.
It is important to recognise that trainees come from both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and the process of documented supervised training and the exit examination will ensure harmonisation of the Clinical Haematology training process in Malaysia.
The broader picture is the inescapable fact that there will be a compulsory national specialist accreditation system for all specialists under the NSR and do note that the NSR adopts the MSH training programme for local trainees. The NSR criteria will be harmonised with the MSH Training requirements so all trainees are encouraged to adhere to the Logbook guidelines and sit for the Exit Examination. Both the Training and Exit Examination are headed by a committee and chaired by senior members of the MSH.

Education and Research
The purpose of the society is to encourage Education and Research amongst members. As such funds raised will be utilised to assist members in this area. More information on these are situated in the Sponsorship section of the Menu.
The Education sponsorship has been set out and please read the criteria and use the application form for Education/Travel grants.
The Research sponsorship criteria and application process are under development and will be published hopefully within a month.

Membership criteria
As mentioned in the recent AGM, the membership criteria will be changed for Associate Members to include any member of the Allied Health Sciences with an interest in Haematology. This change will require approval by the Registrar of Societies so once this is done the Membership Criteria page will be updated.

MSH Office
Last but not least, I am pleased to announce that after years of accumulating the Building Fund the MSH has at last a permanent office and we have a new permanent Office secretary, Ms. Elizabeth Thong.
To view the address, phone contacts and map to the office, please see the Secretariat page.
The MSH Office may be used by members for meetings but please book first with the Office secretary. The Office Calendar Page with current MSH Office bookings and other MSH Events has been setup. This page is viewable only to logged in members.

It is my sincere hope that members of the MSH see value in being part of our small but growing society. My sincere wish is also to see all the Haematology specialists in the country grow in numbers and work in unison for the sake of development of Haematology in Malaysia.

Best wishes

Dr. Alan Teh
Malaysian Society of Haematology