XIth Malaysian National Haematology Scientific Meeting (MSH 2014)

These are the links to the presentations. * = Streaming Multimedia added

0730-8000 Registration
0800-0808 Welcome Speech by Organising Chairman Professor Dr. Gan Gin Gin
0808-0815 President's Speech Dato' Dr. Chang Kian Meng
0815-0845 Prof John J Bosco’s Memorial Lecture: Economics of treatment in haematology: The changing paradigm Dr. Leong Kin Wah
0845-1000 Symposium 1: Transfusion Medicine
Chairperson: Dr Nurasyikin Yusof
0845-0905 Lecture 1: Haemovigilance in Malaysia Dato’ Dr. Yasmin bt Ayob
0905-0925 Lecture 2: Transfusion transmitted infections in Malaysia TBC
0925-0945 Lecture 3: Red cell alloimmunisation: Benchwork to bedside A/Prof Dr. Veera Sekaran
0945-1000 Q&A All speakers
1000-1015 Tea break and poster viewing
1015-1055 Plenary 1: What is the future in CML?: Is TRF (or Cure) a possibility?
Chairperson: Dr. Lau Lee Gong
Professor Dr Gianantonio Rosti
1100-1215 Concurrent Sessions 1
Clinical: Holistic Hematology
Chairperson: Dr. Sinari Salleh
Laboratory: Laboratory Issues
Chairperson: Dr. Chew Lee Ping
1100-1120 Lecture 4: Aspects of counselling prior to chemotherapy - Dr. Azlan Husin Lecture 7: Pitfalls in Malaria morphology - Prof Dr. Rohela Mahmud
1120-1140 Lecture 5: Should quality of life be a therapeutic endpoint? - A/Prof Dr. Bee Ping Chong Lecture 8: Autoantibodies in haematology - A/Prof Dr. Wong Chieh Lee
1140-1200 Lecture 6: End of life. What do we do? - Dr. Lam Chee Leong Lecture 9: Immunohistochemistry in haematological diagnosis - A/Prof Dr. Noraidah Masir
1200-1215 Q&A All speakers
1215-1300 Corporate Sponsored Lunch Symposium 1:
Targeted therapy in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm : An Update
Chairperson: Dr. Ng Soo Chin
Professor Dr Jean Jacques Kiladjian
1300-1400 Friday Prayers
1400-1440 Plenary 2: Stems cells: Facts vs Myths
Chairperson: A/Prof Dr. Veera Sekaran
Emeritus Prof Dr. Cheong Soon Keng
1445-1530 The Debate: Is there science in complementary/alternative medicine?
Chairperson: TBC
Propose: Dr. Haris Abd Rahman Oppose: Dr. Alan Teh
1530-1550 Tea break and poster viewing
1550-1640 Concurrent Sessions 2
Clinical: Transplantation
Chairperson: Dr. Chew Teng Keat
Nursing: Supportive Care
Chairperson: Prof Dr.
S Fadilah Abdul Wahid
1550-1610 Lecture 10: Chronic graft vs host disease - Dr. Tan Sen Mui Lecture 12: Nutrition and haematological malignancy - Ms Wong Wen Yin
1610-1630 Lecture 11: Fertility issues post chemotherapy and transplantation - Dr. Eeson Sinthamoney Lecture 13: Management of emesis during chemotherapy - Dr. Leong Kin Wah
1630-1640 Q&A All speakers
1645-1725 Plenary 3: Management of patients with inhibitors: early diagnosis and treatment
Chairperson: A/Prof Dr. Wong Chieh Lee
Dr. Jameela Sathar


0800-0840 Plenary 4: Invasive fungal infections
Chairperson: Dato' Dr. Chang Kian Meng
Professor Maschmeyer
0845-1000 Symposium 2: Myeloma
Chairperson: Dr. Haris Abd Rahman
0845-905 Lecture 14: Renal failure in myeloma - best practice Prof Datuk Dr. Tan Si Yen
0905-0925 Lecture 15: 2014 The Evolving Treatment Landscape in non-Transplant Eligible Multiple Myeloma Patients A/Prof Dr Ch’ng Wee Joo
0925-0945 Lecture 16: Stem Cell transplantation in myeloma: How do I decide? Dr. Lau Lee Gong
0945-1000 Q&A All speakers
1000-1015 Tea break & poster viewing
1015-1130 Concurrent Sessions 3: Variable Topics
Chairperson: A/Prof Dr. Bee Ping Chong Chairperson: Dr. Lily Wong
1015-1035 Lecture 17: Sickle cell anemia - Dr. Jameela Sathar Lecture 20: Making a morphological diagnosis - Dr. Hemalatha Shanmugam
1035-1055 Lecture 18: Research in clinical haematology - Professor Dr Aziz Baba Lecture 21: Immunophenotyping in haematology - Dr. Liu Te Chih
1055-1115 Lecture 19: Travel Deep Vein Thrombosis - Dr. Tan Swee Looi Lecture 22: Utility of FISH in haematology - A/Prof Dr. Veera Sekaran
1115-1130 Q&A All speakers
1130-1200 Poster viewing & visit to pharmaceutical booths
1200-1300 Corporate Sponsored Lunch Symposium 2:Novel agents in the management of venous and arterial thrombosis*
Chairperson: Dato' Dr JV Sangkar
Dr. Raymond Wong
1400-1515 Concurrent Sessions 4
Clinical: Infection related issues
Chairperson: Dr. Rudy Yeoh
Nursing: General Haematology
Chairperson: Dr. Azlan Husin
1400-1420 Lecture 23: Management of Hepatitis B in haematological patients* - A/Prof Dr Eric Tse Lecture 26: Febrile neutropenia - Dr. Edmund Chin
1420-1440 Lecture 24: Vaccination prophylaxis in haematological patients* - Dr. Chew Teng Keat Lecture 27: Catheter related blood stream infections - Dr. Tan Lian Huat
1440-1500 Lecture 25: Secondary hemosiderosis - Dr. Lily Wong Lecture 28: Mucositis - SRN Imelda Zakaria
1500-1515 Q&A All speakers
1515-1530 Tea break
1530-1610 Plenary 5: Optimising management in DLBCL*
Chairperson: Dr. Goh Ai Sim
Professor Dr. Marinus Van Oers
1615-1700 Morphology Quiz Dr. Hemalatha Shanmugam
1730-1930 MSH : Annual General Meeting MSH Members
1930-2100 Corporate Sponsored Dinner Symposium:The simplified approach to VTE treatment
Chairperson: TBC
Emeritus Professor Dr. Hatem Salem


0800-0840 Plenary 6: Updates on Follicular Lymphoma*
Chairperson: Dr. Alan Teh
A/Prof Dr. Eric Tse
0845-1000 Symposium 3: Lymphoma
Chairperson: Dr. Visalachy Purushothaman
0845-0905 Lecture 29: Role of radiotherapy in Lymphomas* Dr. Muhammad Azrif
0905-0925 Lecture 30: Management of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: An Update* Professor Dr Owen A. O'Connor
0925-0945 Lecture 31: Is there a role for upfront Stem Cell Transplantation in 2014?* Dato’ Dr. Chang Kian Meng
0945-1000 Q&A All speakers
1000-1040 Plenary 7: T cell Lymphoma: An Update*
Chairperson: Prof Aziz Baba
Professor Dr Owen A. O'Connor
1040-1100 Tea break
1100-1200 Prize Presentation &
Closing Speech
A/Prof Dr. Veera Sekaran