20th Malaysian Society of Haematology Annual Scientific Meeting (MSH 2023) 10th -11th March 2023, Holiday Inn Melaka

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Message from the Organising Chairman, 20th Malaysian Society of Haematology Annual Scientific Meeting

On behalf of the organising committee, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 20th MSH Annual Scientific Meeting, 10th– 11th March 2023 organized by Malaysian Society of Haematology.

Over the last few years, there has been tremendous progress in the understanding of molecular and intracellular pathways as well as intercellular interactions of many haematological diseases. Targeted therapies have mushroomed and our current treatment armamentarium has expanded to include various types of immunotherapies and cellular therapies. These dizzying arrays of new treatment options have helped reduce toxicities, improve survival and quality of life of patients.

In line with this year’s theme “Making sense of new therapies and technology”, we have decided to structure this year’s meeting as “How I Treat” presentations as well as Debates to showcase how each speaker approaches the topic. Hopefully this will help us incorporate the latest knowledge available into our day to day practice.

The organizing committee has worked tirelessly to try to make this year’s programme as interesting as possible. We are very indeed very honoured to be able to invite so many eminent and experienced speakers who are willing to share their knowledge and thoughts.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee members for the excellent effort. I also wish all participants a valuable and enjoyable meeting as well as a pleasant stay in Melaka.

With best wishes,

Dr Guan Yong Khee
Organising Chairman, 20th Malaysian Society of Haematology Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

Message from the President of Malaysian Society of Haematology

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of Malaysian Society of Haematology, I welcome you to the 20th Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 which will be held in the historical city of Malacca.

This year’s theme on “Making sense of new therapies and technology” is indeed very apt, especially with the multitudes of treatment options now available for many of the haematological diseases. Dr Guan Yong Khee, organizing chairperson and his team have worked extremely hard and have come up with a wide range of relevant and important topics, including “How I Treat” sessions. I am certain this meeting will provide a platform where we can incorporate novel therapies and cutting-edge technologies specifically relevant in this region. Although resources can be limited, our ultimate aim is universal i.e. improving our patients’ quality of life and survival.

We look forward to welcoming you for the 20th Annual Scientific Meeting 2023. After two years of virtual meetings, it is now time for us to meet face to face; learning and sharing with eminent international and local speakers. I am certain you will have a very stimulating, fruitful and enjoyable time in Malacca.

Professor Dr Gan Gin Gin
Malaysian Society of Haematology