MSH 2016 Quiz Answers!

(click on the image or this link to view the quiz revision) Dear MSH Members If you took the MSH 2016 Morphology Quiz I’m sure you would love to know the answers. Here’s a chance to go through the quiz again and provide feedback. After you retake the quiz, the answers will be provided at … Read more

15th Annual Scientific Meeting, College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia

Attention MSH Members On behalf of the organizing committee of the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, we would like to notify all members of this upcoming scientific meeting : For the hematology portion of the program, we have Prof Nicholas Jackson (Malaysia) Blood transfusion : Less … Read more

13th Malaysian Society of Haematology Annual Scientific Meeting – Abstract Deadline

13th Malaysian Society of Haematology Annual Scientific Meeting Next Generation Haematology   14th-16th April 2016 Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Abstract Submission Deadline: 1st February 2016 Early Bird Registration Deadline: 1st March 2016 DON’T MISS THE ABSTRACT DEADLINE For more information and registration, visit or email