
Welcome to Malaysian Society of Haematology website. There are basically two sections:

- Categories: these are regular updates, the latest 10 posts will appear on the front page. You can browse various post categories by clicking on the appropriate link on the left: Local meetings, Society news etc.
Certain Posts may be available only to registered users who have logged in
- Pages: these are static pages with relevant Society information
Certain Pages may be available only to registered users who have logged in

Your feedback in the form of Comments for each posting is welcome but only Registered users of the MSH website may comment. Please note that registration with the MSH website is closed to members of the MSH only. If you are a member and wish to have full access to the MSH website, please email the Secretary with your Name and current email address. You will be provided with an account to use with this website.

If you have any problems with the website you may email the Webmaster