15th Annual Scientific Meeting, College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia

Attention MSH Members

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, we would like to notify all members of this upcoming scientific meeting :
For the hematology portion of the program, we have
  • Prof Nicholas Jackson (Malaysia)
    • Blood transfusion : Less is more
    • Patient blood management
  • Prof Sukesh Chandran Nair (India)
    • New coagulation tests : TEG, Thrombin generation time
    • NOACS and its monitoring
  • Prof Cheah Fook Choe (Malaysia)
    • Necrotising enterocolitis - Washed red cells
  • Assoc Professor Wan Zaidah Abduallah (Malaysia)
    • Overview of thrombophilia and laboratory diagnosis
    • POCT - INR
  • Dr Zubaidah Zakaria (Malaysia)
    • High resolution CGH in clinical practice
  • Dr Subramaniam Yegappan (Malaysia)
    • Molecular updates in hematological malignancies - A Malaysian experience
Additionally, there will also be hematological case presentations and an open roundtable discussion on relevant pathology issues. Participants can also submit abstracts for poster presentation. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Malaysian Journal of Pathology. Further details are available onĀ https://cpathasm2016.wordpress.com/
MSH Secretariat

Brochure and Annoucement attached:
