Selamat Hari Raya & Updates


Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf zahir batin

An update to inform you of some changes to the community section of the MSH website
To make it easier for everyone and to encourage sharing and interaction, the forums section has been retired and the site just uses Update walls very much like Facebook.
You can share updates - e.g. your thoughts, links, images, videos - on any of the walls and others can comment on them. It's very "Facebook" like so it should appeal to users of modern social media.
These sections are exclusive to members of the MSH (i.e. available only to logged in Members) and the links are permanently posted in the right hand side bar for your convenience.
Use them to:
Ask a question, any question!
Seek advice from fellow Haematologists
Share interesting cases (clinical, lab)
Share interesting links to journal articles

The links to the Update walls are:

1) All Activity Updates (the main wall listing everything)
2) General Discussion
3) Case Discussion (post interesting cases here to share)
4) CME & Journal Club (post interesting journal articles and news here)
5) MSH Council (a private wall for MSH Council members only)

Hope to see you posting!

Alan Teh