Discussion with Prof Scott Dunkley, University of Sydney

On 19th Novermber 2009, Prof Scott Dunkley from the University of Sydney will be in Hospital Ampang and he will be available for a discussion of patient/case problems in bleeding and thrombotic disorders. We would like to invite UMMC/UKMMC/HUSM to present one or more cases each for discussion. The remainder of the cases will be from Hospital Ampang.

The tentative agenda is as follows:

Date : 19 Nov 09 (Thursday)
Venue : Seminar Room, Bleeding Clinic, Daycare (3rd Floor)
10 am - Case discussions
1 - 2 pm : Lunch
Thereafter : Meeting on Registry for use of NovoSeven in indications outside hemophilia (Invited representatives).

Please email me to indicate your interest to attend and how many cases you will be presenting.

Please also check the Ampang Hospital Haemato website

