Programme for Scientific Meeting May 2005 (Tentative)

Detailed programme:

Time Day 1 (Friday, 20 May 2005) Day 2 (Saturday, 21 May 2005)
0830 – 0930 Plenary
Current Progress in The treatment of Adult Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (Prof. Newland)
0930 - 1030 Symposium 3 - Platelet disorders
ITP – investigation and novel therapy (Prof. Newland)
HITS (Dr. Puru)
1030 – 1100 Tea
1100 – 1230 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Dr. Jameela)
Role of FVIIa in platelet disorders - ?Novo Nordisk (Chang to identify)
1230 – 1400 Registration (Leong and co.) Lunch (1/2 hour for Pfizer) – Evolving treatment options for invasive fungal infections Prof. Deborah Mariott
1400 – 1430 Case studies
Penang – TBC
GHKL – Dr. Ong
HUKM – Dr. CF Leong
HUSM – Prof Aziz Baba
Ipoh Hospital – Dr. Padmini
Dr. Puru
Dr. Newland
Dr. Leong K W
Prof. Cheong
1430 – 1545
Symposium 1 - Leukemia management
CML and Glivec – Dr. Alan Teh
Role of quantitative PCR – Dr. Veera
Transplant in CML – Dr. Chang
1545 - 1600 Tea Tea
1600 – 1730 Symposium 2 - Myeloma
Immunotherapy of MM – Dr. Fadilah
Transplant and myeloma – Dr. MH Saw
Amyloidosis – Prof. Looi
1730 - 1830 AGM