MSH 2014 Scientific Meeting

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Message from the Organising Chairperson, XIth Malaysian National Haematology Scientific Meeting

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our honour and pleasure to invite you to the XIth Malaysian National Haematology Scientific Meeting to be held in Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur from 4th to 6th April 2014.
It is without a doubt that science and research in haematological related fields have advanced by leaps and bounds over the past decades leading to improvement in patients’ survival.  Simultaneously, there has been a burgeoning market for non-conventional therapies, which lay claim to having survival benefits and improvements in quality of life.  Hence, the theme for this meeting is “Holistic Haematology: Science and Myth”. The focus will not only be on the recent developments in research and clinical trials but also on other aspects in patients’ care.
We have put together an exciting programme not only for the clinicians and pathologists, but also for ancillary staff that include nurses, laboratory technicians, scientists and pharmacists who form an important team in improving the patient’s wellbeing. The ultimate goal is to provide a comprehensive holistic approach to patients’ care, offering not just treatment but also education and emotional support.
It is our sincere hope that this meeting will provide you a great learning experience and opportunity to meet and catch up with colleagues and friends from near and far.

Professor Dr. Gan Gin Gin

Organising chairperson
