Abstract submission for MSH 2023

Come and join us at Melaka for the 20th Malaysian Society of Haematology Annual Scientific Meeting, MSH 2023. Please submit your abstract too, closing date has now been extended to 1/1/2023! Visit MSH 2023 for more information.

MSH Forum 13.12.2022

Please join us tomorrow: RIGHT DIAGNOSIS = RIGHT TREATMENT Topic: Malaysian Society of Haematology’s Zoom Meeting Time: Dec 13, 2022 01:00 PM Singapore Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9929895266?pwd=UVVLT1djcGo5enRvM05FMktFWENjUT09 Meeting ID: 992 989 5266 Passcode: 143924

MSH President’s message

Dear Colleagues and Friends, In a blink of an eye, it is already end of year. I like to take this opportunity to share with everyone on the developments of the society since my last message. Our Annual Scientific Meeting which was held in August 2022 has been a great success and we again like … Read more