WFH 2022 World Congress, Montreal May 8 – 11.

Take advantage of the early bird rate and register for #WFHCongress2022! This limited time discount applies to both in-person AND virtual registrations:  #bleedingdisorders #hemophilia #WFHCongress2022 will encompass more than 70 sessions on #hemophilia and #bleedingdisorders! Check out the newly released program and session topics, with both #medical and community focused tracks:  What makes #WFHCongress 2022 different … Read more

Articles submission for MSH newsletter Jan 2022

MSH would like to invite all members to contribute articles for the MSH newsletter of early 2022. The closing date of submission is 16th Jan 2022 and the targeted publication date will be on 31st Jan 2022. Article length is flexible but must be in Microsoft Word format. Kindly submit your articles to romeje@gmail.comExample of submissions ;1) Articles … Read more

MHG Webinars for 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th and 12th Dec 2021

Dear Colleagues and students MHG has 9 live webinars during the month of December 2021 (see attachment). Following is a common link to register for all of them in one go With warm personal regards Education cell – Mumbai Hematology Group (for any questions/inquiries, please email to only. You will not get a response if you … Read more