Ampang Hospital Hematology Update

Ampang Hospital will hold an update to be be held in Ampang Hospital Auditorium on 21-22nd of September 2012. The theme for this year’s update is “Consultative Hematology”. The target audience is KKM/University MOs/Staff Nurse/Pharmacist/Lab. On 22nd Sept 2012, Max Foundation will also launch the “My PCR” campaign to create awareness among the patient/caregivers regarding … Read more

2nd Announcement : 10th APCHG

Dear all, We are pleased to annouce the 10th APCHG will be held on the followings: Date: 5-8 Sept 2012 Venue: Crown Plaza Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia We would appreciate if you could circulate this annoucement in your institution. Many thanks Dr.Sarina Sulong

Haematology Exit Exam

Please note that the next Exit Exam will be in November 2012, the exact date has yet to be finalised. Interested candidates please register with the Exam Committee by 30th September 2012. After this date, the potential candidate has to sit for the next exit exam to be held in June 2013. Registration can be … Read more

New Editor

Dear all, This to let everyone know that Shikin now is an Editor for our MSH website. Future posts and page updates will also come from her. Regards Alan Teh