Updating your details

Dear MSH Members,

I hope to harmonise and consolidate our mailing list with the MSH website.
In order to update your email address which will be used for the website as well as the mailing list, you can login to the website and go to your Profile in the Dashboard here:
Just change the email address and other optional details and save by hitting the Update Profile button at the bottom of the page

If anyone on this mailing list cannot access the MSH website, it could be because of

1) Forgotten password:
In which case just go to this page (it's always located at the bottom of the login page) :
to reset your password

2) If number 1) fails it could be because your email address registered with the website is incorrect or you do not yet have a website user account. Please email me (dralanteh@gmail.com) for help in manually changing the email address or setting up an account for you

The plan is in the future, the email addresses will be only that registered with the MSH website and the mailing list/notifications will come only from the website and not as a separate mailing list
Thank you
