Talk on vWD and VTE: risk factors and Management

Dr Mike Laffan, Professor of Haemostasis and Thrombosis at the Imperial College, Hammersmith Hospital, London, will be in KL from the 19th to 22nd May as an examiner for the Masters Hematology exams in UM.
He will be coming to visit Hospital Ampang on the 23rd May. He has agreed to speak on vWD and VTE: risk factors and Mx.

Here is the tentative programme:

21st May 2008
9.30-10:00 Visit lab and ward
10:00-10:30 Case discussion in coagulation
10:30-11:30 vWD- diagnosis and management
11:30-12:00 QC in coagulation
12:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:00 VTE: risk factors and management

Dr. Jameela Sathar