MSH AGM and scientific meeting

Dear All Members,

I would like to announce the upcoming MSH AGM and scientific meeting.

Date : 2nd June 2007, Saturday

Time : 0900 --1330

Venue :
Dewan Gaharu,
Faculty of Medicine
University Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur

The scientific meeting will be focussing on " stem cell therapy related issues"

The topics will include HLA typing and donor registry-challenges ahead, flow cytometry in stem cell transplant and cell based therapy for the heart, is there a role for the haematologist?


This will be followed by AGM at 1230pm.

Lunch and tea will be provided and there will be no registration fees.
Please write to me either by mail or email if you wish to submit any resolution for AGM at least 7 working days prior.
If you have not received the minute of last AGM, annual report as well as the treasurer report, please contact me.


Yours sincerely,

Dr Gan
