Iron Overload and Chelation Therapy in Haematological Disorders

Overload and Chelation Therapy in Haematological Disorders
Date: 5 November 2006
Venue: KL Hilton

Chairperson: Dr Ng Soo Chin, President, Malaysian Society of Haematology (MSH)

1300-1400 Lunch & Registration
1400-1415 Welcome & Introduction
MSH President & Novartis
1415-1500 Management of transfusion-dependent chronic anaemia
Dr Pradyumna Phatak, USA
1500-1530 Epidemiology of MDS/AA in the Asia Pacific Region: Incidence and Prevalence
1530-1610 Supportive Care: Current management of transfusion-dependent MDS/AA in Malaysia
Dr Jameela Sathar, Hospital Ampang
1610-1630 Tea Break
1630-1700 Group discussion:
Oral chelators: Will convenience alter the course of managing transfusion-dependent haematological disorder?
1700-1715 Summary and Closing