10th International Myeloma Workshop

The 10th International Myeloma Workshop will be taking place in Sydney on 10-14 April 2005. The biennial Workshop has been an increasingly successful event and the 10th Workshop is expected to draw the highest delegate attendance to date. As a result of industry demand, an accompanying Exhibition will take place – larger than in previous years. A detailed Scientific Program is also being developed, which will highlight important advances in the clinic and laboratory, as we progress to our goal of a cure for Myeloma. For further information on the Scientific Program and the Workshop, please visit the website at www.myeloma2005.org


10th International Myeloma Workshop (MM10)

Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
Sydney, Australia
Dates 10-14 April 2005

Hall 6
(2500 sq metres – with half dedicated to Scientific Posters and the remainder to Exhibiting companies and sponsors).
50% of Exhibition space sold to date.

Number of delegates

Contact details
Myeloma 2005 Workshop Managers
GPO Box 128
Sydney NSW 2001

Tel: + 61 2 9248 0800
Fax: +61 2 9248 0894
E-mail: myeloma2005@tourhosts.com.au
Internet: www.myeloma2005.org