MSH Membership Criteria


The objectives of the Society are:

  1. To promote the advancement of the science and practice of Haematology and allied Sciences.
  2. To facilitate communication amongst doctors practising Haematology in Malaysia.
  3. To act as an authoritative body for the purpose of consultation in matters of professional and public interest concerning haematology.
  4. To promote training and research and hence promote good practice of Haematology throughout the country.


There will be four member categories namely, Ordinary, Life, Associate and Term Associate Members.

Ordinary Members

They shall be elected from :

  1. Physicians / Paediatricians / Pathologists practising in Malaysia who have a postgraduate qualification in Internal Medicine, Paediatrics or Pathology.
  2. Doctors with a postgraduate qualification in the medical sciences.
  3. Science graduates with an MSC or PHD thesis in haematological science.

Associate Members

They shall be elected from either of these categories:

  1. Medical graduates who are undergoing training programmes in Haematopathology
  2. Medical practitioners (non-specialist) who have an interest in Haematology
  3. Scientific officers and Medical Laboratory Technologists.
  4. Non-Malaysian citizens or Malaysian Permanent Resident who fulfils criteria for ordinary or associate membership.

Life Members

All ordinary members are eligible to become life members after payment of life membership subscription fees.

Term Associate Members

All associate members are eligible to become term associate members after payment of term associate membership subscription fees.  The term associate membership is for the duration of 10 years.

Rights & Privileges of Members

Only ordinary members and life members will be entitled to vote or hold office in the Society. All other privileges of the Society to the ordinary members shall be made available to the Associate member. The rights and privileges of every member shall be personal to himself or herself and shall not be transferable.

Application of Membership

Application of Ordinary, Life, Associate or Term Associate Membership must be made on an official form and supported by two ordinary or life members of the Society, both of whom must be personally acquainted with the applicant.

Approval of membership will be decided at a council meeting by a majority vote.

The secretary will notify a new member with a copy of the rules and regulations of the Society.  No person will be deemed to be an Ordinary, Life, Associate or Term Associate member until he/she has paid his/her entrance fee and the annual subscription payable on his/her admission.


  • Each Ordinary, Life, Associate and Term Associate member, upon notification of his/her admission, shall pay entrance and first annual subscription or life membership or term associate membership subscriptions.
  • Each Ordinary and Associate member shall be required to pay an annual subscription due on the first of each calendar year and payable within three months of the date.
  • Each Term Associate Member shall be required to renew the Term Associate membership due on the first of the eleventh (11th) year and payable within three months of the date.

The entrance fee and annual subscription shall be as follows:

Entrance fee: RM 20

Annual Subscription

  • Ordinary Member: RM 30
  • Associate Member: RM 20
  • Life Membership: RM 150
  • Term Associate Membership (membership for 10 years): RM 100

All applications must be made using the Online Application form with all details completed including the referees. Choose the appropriate membership category when you apply, preferably Life if you qualify (i.e. those with post-graduate qualifications) as per the above criteria.

  • Pay online after you have submitted your application - you must use the same Name, Email and Phone contact in the online payment form as your MSH Application.
  • If you prefer to pay by cheque, all  cheques must be crossed A/C Payee Only and made payable to the
    " Malaysian Society of Haematology ".
  • An additional RM 0.50 is to be included for outstation cheques.

Membership will be approved only after you have completed both the application submission and payment.

Step Procedure Notes
1 Apply to be a member You will first be prompted to enter your email and a password of your choice. You need to verify your email before you can proceed with the sign-up process. Please check your Inbox for the verification link. If you can't find it, please check your spam or bulk mail folder.
2 Membership payments Use the same name and email address as you used for the Membership application.

If you have problems with the application, please contact the MSH Secretary.

Resignation & Termination of Membership

Any member wishing to withdraw from the Society shall give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary not less than three months before the end of the Society's Financial year.

The membership of an Ordinary Members or Associate Member shall be terminated "ipsi facto" if he is in arrears with his subscriptions for a period of two years after the same becomes due in spite of reminders sent to him by the Secretary in writing. He will remain eligible for re-election as a Member whenever all his dues are paid.

If, in the opinion of the Council, a Member acts in a manner prejudicial to the interests and objectives of the Society, or ceased to possess the qualifications rendering him eligible for membership his membership shall be terminated.