Selamat Hari Raya & Updates

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf zahir batin An update to inform you of some changes to the community section of the MSH website To make it easier for everyone and to encourage sharing and interaction, the forums section has been retired and the site just uses Update walls very much like Facebook. You can share updates … Read more

2014 International Congress of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (ICPaLM)

Dear Members, In order to encourage trainee pathologists to attend the 2014 Joint Congress of International Congress of Pathology and Lab Medicine and the Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, 26-28 August 2014 at Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, the Organising Committee is now giving special discount to trainees and junior pathologists. Instead of the RM1200 registration … Read more

3rd ASEAN Federation of Hematology Congress (AFH 2014)

Dear Colleagues,   The Organizing Committee of the AFH 2014 would like to announce that the abstract submission is extended for one more month.  The new deadline to submit is on July 30, 2014.  For online submission, if you could not access the system, please contact . You are able to send us the … Read more