First Announcement for ” The 7th Malaysian National Haematology Scientific Meeting”

This is the first announcement for the upcoming national meeting. The meeting will be held in Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 10th to 12th April 2008. The theme is "innovative strategies towards improved outcomes".

Organising Chairperson: Dr Chang Kian Meng
Secretary: Dr Gan Gin Gin
Treasurer: A/P Dr Leong Chooi Fun
Scientific Committee:
Professor S Fadhillah
Dr JV Sangkar
Dr Tan Sen Mui
Dr Lim Soo Min
Publicity: Dr Veera Sekaran

The topics will be on acute leukemias, chronic leukemias, myeloproliferative disorders, anaemia, iron homeostasis, stem cell therapies and transfusion medicine. There are also nurses and laboratory haematology symposium.

Abstract submission for poster and oral presentation will be opening soon.

Please watch this space.

Any query, please contact